Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Call Of Duty Latest News

Tech shooter

The development team at Sledgehammer Games working on the new Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare has set the core story of the first-person shooter in 2054 and that allows the studio to introduce a number of new weapons and items that gamers will be eager to use on launch day.

The company is using technology that is only in its infancy at the moment and showing gamers its vision for the future of combat.

One of the most interesting weapons in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is a special rifle which creates its bullets using the 3D printer technology that is just becoming mainstream.

The tech allow gamers to use a can of liquid matter rather than a traditional magazine and the internal computer can quickly create a variety of bullet types, with an ammo counter shown to the player at all times.

The official reveal on Game Informer says that Sledgehammer Games is still tweaking the rate of fire and the stopping power of the 3D printer rifle, but that the overall aim is to decrease reload time.

Another interesting weapon from Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is a plasma rifle that uses concepts that are currently being explored by the real-world Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

Gamers will be able to get access to a more portable gun that is very effective against enemy infantry, even if they are equipped with exoskeletons or other types of armor, although the developers are not yet willing to offer details at the moment.

The exoskeleton suit was featured prominently in the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare reveal trailer and the developers are saying that its use is widespread in the future of the game because it allows players to jump higher, move faster, lift heavy objects and endure more firepower from enemies.

The most advanced of the exoskeletons are even equipped with special armor and computers that can move them to catch incoming fire, making those who wear them almost invulnerable to small arms fire.

Sledgehammer Games has said that it plans to introduce a lot of innovative elements in its version of the first-person shooter and it seems that tech is just the start and that more surprises will be revealed soon.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare will be launched on the PC, the PlayStation 4 from Sony, the Xbox One and current-gen consoles on November 4 of this year.

Referenc: Softpedia

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